Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Personal Xtreme Makeover-Episode 13 Crazy Leg Exercise

Episode 13-Crazy Legs

In this week's episode I share with you: The crazy leg exercise

The crazy leg exercise is a exercise regiment that strengthening the legs and butt area. Do this workout and I promise your legs will feel like they are dead weight when you are done. Oh yeah it did I mention that it makes you have buns of steel.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Personal Xtreme Makeover: ABsolute Workout

Episode 12-Side Plank with Abduction

In this week's episode I share with you: The side plank with abduction one of the best abs exercise.

The side plank is a static exercise for strengthening the abdominal, back and shoulders. Isometric strength is important for stabilizing the trunk in various sports and exercises.

When you contract the abdominal, your waist becomes thinner.

Beware of Cheating! Remember to keep your body in a straight line, tightening your abs and butt muscles. You might want to start in front of a mirror to learn the technique.

1. Side plank with abduction-left
2. Side plank with abduction-right
3. Side plank with abduction and reach and twist -left
4. Side plank with abduction and reach and twist-right


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Personal Xtreme Makeover: ABsolute Workout

Episode 11 - Mountain Climber

In this week's episode I share with you: the mountain climber exercise. Here we use mountain climber exercise variations that'll work your abs hard. Mountain climbers are a tough exercise that challenges the legs, core and the heart rate.

Remember to keep the abs and core tight when doing this exercise and your back flat by keeping your hips down and core locked. if you feel any discomfort or pain, you may want to avoid it.

1. Regular mountain climber
2. Cross body mountain climber
3. Spiderman mountain climber
4. Low plank spiderman mountain climber


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Personal Xtreme Makeover: Absolute Workout

Episode 10- Xtreme Burpees

In this episode we continue our Ab regiment by doing an exercise that targets the whole core and ab complex. The burpee is one exercise that seriously will burn a lot of calories and expend a lot of energy.

Make sure that when you perform these exercises that you keep your back straight and your core activated by drawing your naval in towards your spine. Never compromise your form when doing these exercises. If you start feeling the exercise in your lower back at anytime STOP IMMEDIATELY.

1. Burpee
2. 1 arm burpee-left
3. 1 arm burpee-right
4. 1 leg burpee-left
5. 1 leg burpee-right
6. Burpee with a pushup
7. Burpee with vertical jump
8. Burpee with pushup and and vertical jump


Monday, March 15, 2010

10 Habits To A Successful New Year's Resolution Part 2 of 2

We pick up where we left off with regards to New Year's Resolutions. In the last article we discussed the history of where New Year's Resolutions came from. The final piece we will examine the strategies that must be in place in order to successfully succeed in fulfilling your New Year's Resolution.

I have set some resolutions for myself, however, what I did was change my mental verbiage in believing that these are not resolutions but simply some goals that I want to accomplish throughout the year. We set goals all the time. Daily goals are met throughout the course of a day i.e. meeting a deadline at work for a major project, setting up a presentation to ask for a raise from your boss, planning your day around trying to get home in time to watch American Idol, or planning to get that house that you wanted or dreamed of. All of these are similar to a New Year’s resolution but we don't see them in that light. So, we are accustomed to setting and meeting goals; however, I think that when we look at resolutions, they seem to take on a life of their own. By setting goals you have a road map to where you would like to start and how you will like to get there.

Before I get into this goal setting process, I just need to get something off of my chest. I know a lot of people think goal setting is just a cheesy, useless thing. Unfortunately, these people just don’t get it and frankly if you are one of those people, please do us both a favor and stop reading this article and go buy another useless weight loss book or pill because I simply cannot do anything for you. I can only help people who want to learn. I simply cannot help people who already think they know it all and think they are too good to take some time to figure out what the heck it is that they actually want to accomplish. The bottom line is that the most successful people out there, and I mean not just weight loss success, I am talking business, lifestyle, etc., are shamelessly goal driven. They know exactly why they want to do something and harness that super motivation to figure out what and by when they want to go about accomplishing that. Furthermore, they plan and prepare for every possible roadblock they will encounter in their path to success. This is what I want to teach you how to do today, so let’s get to it! To assist those reading this, I have come up with 10 tips to get you started for this New Year:

Aim low. It goes without saying that most New Year's resolutions are easier announced (or written) than done — but if you set the bar too high, you're doomed from the start. Instead of a sweeping declaration like "I will lose 30 pounds by April and finally fit into that dress," target a goal that's more attainable, like losing 10 or 15 pounds.

Start with one resolution. If you try to make too many, you may not accomplish any. Don't overload yourself. It's difficult enough for the average person to follow through on one ambitious New Year's resolution; why on earth would you saddle yourself with three or four? Choose the most pressing issue at hand — losing weight, finding a girlfriend, improving your relationship with your parents — and concentrate on that. Trying to do everything simultaneously practically guarantees failure across the board.

Reward yourself.
Following through on a New Year's resolution is rarely easy, so a little Pavlovian conditioning goes a long way. (You know Pavlov and his salivating dogs!) If you've resolved to shop less, stroke yourself for not buying those shoes by springing for a steaming hot cappuccino at the mall. If you've resolved to be losing 10 pounds, reward yourself with one meal that is your favorite comfort food.

Wait until spring. Sometimes the best way to accomplish a New Year's resolution is to make it at a time of year of your choosing, rather than the one dictated by the calendar. May 1 is a good alternate date, since the change of season will neatly coincide with the change you're hoping to accomplish in yourself.

Make your resolution very specific. "Don't say 'I want to lose weight'— instead, say 'I want to lose three pounds a month so that I look hot in my new swimsuit come summer,'".

Be serious about your resolution. If you don't take your resolution seriously, it is a waste of time to make one.

Write your resolution down and post it in a visible place. Out of sight is out of mind. Remember that saying? If you see your goal every day, it will be in the forefront of your mind.

Don't let yourself quit. Even if you slip up once or twice, you shouldn't abandon your resolution.

Enlist the support of friends and family. Bring others in on the resolution so you have a support group to help you accomplish your goals.

Tell everyone you know. One school of thought says New Year's resolutions are best kept to oneself, but look at it this way: the more people to whom you announce your resolution (say, to get out of your dead-end job by spring), the more people there'll be to prod you along if you fall behind. There's no shame in seeking help if you can't accomplish your resolution on your own.

The last two bullet points are the main ingredient in accomplishing your goal. Group support and group involvement are key. Two heads are better than one and the power of synergy is great! This is where social support and accountability come into play. “Birds of a feather flock together “. Like minds think and accomplish things together. Join a support/ interest group, or better yet a fitness boot camp because then you will have a support group that you will first began to become close with and then become accountable to because of the bond that you have established with that particular group.

The clients who have had the most success with us have undergone their transformation with the support of other friends or family members. This is so critical, especially since most of the poor food and drinking choices that sabotage one’s progress occur on the weekend, when most people hang out with their friend and family. If they are committed with you and your goal to get fit and look better, you can put yourself in a much better position to realize the success your desire and deserve. The last thing anybody needs is sabotage or peer pressure from those closest to you, so get them on board and get them on board early.

Finally, remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. The little things add up. The power of momentum will catapult you to greatness and success. The goal is to accomplish a New YEAR’S resolution, not New month, or New couple of months, or New Spring Break resolution; therefore, continue to work at your goal and believe that the small changes ARE AND WILL pay off in the long run even though right now you may not see them.

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare was quick to come out of the blocks and sped past the tortoise; however, the tortoise keep on pushing through and making small progressive accomplishments until it won the race, shocking the hare and the world with its accomplishment. You too need to think like the tortoise don’t start off strong to find yourself no where to be found at the end of the race, frustrated and disappointed with where you were at the end of 2009. This is a marathon/ endurance race not the 200 meter sprint. Pace yourself and remember that you will get your crown if you work your goals that you have set forth. Don’t worry about tomorrow, or the next week, or next month just get through today with accomplishing whatever the goal is that you have set out for TODAY. You can’t make it to the top of the ladder without first taking the first step!


Personal Trainer in Charlotte, NC